
One of the greatest obstacles an aspiring artist can face is the lack of financial support to pursue advanced studies. With that in mind, not everyone has the ability to provide such aid. If so, consider sending letters of encouragement, recordings of music, or even contact information of others in the industry that could be beneficial to the artist.

Visit my GoFundMe page -

Current Financial Sponsors

Encore ($5000+)
- Mount Allison University

Ovation ($2000-$4999)
- Nova Scotia Department of Education
 - Nova Scotia Talent Trust

Applause ($500-$1999)
- Harmony Movement
- Nesta Keffer
- Hazel Kerr
- the Carrera family

Debut ($100-$499)
- Coastal Restoration & Masonry Limited
- Airi Yoshioka
- Faye Patterson 

Gift ($0-$99)
- Janice Jackson